2017-18 RinkWriter High School Scoreboard*

Date   Visitor Home  Scoresheet  
11-21-17 Jamestown 5 Grafton-PR 2 Scoresheet
11-24-17 Fargo North 2 Bismarck Century 12 Scoresheet
West Fargo 2 Bismarck High 6 Scoresheet
11-25-17 West Fargo 1 Bismarck Century 7 Scoresheet
Fargo North 0 Bismarck High 5 Scoresheet
G.F. Central 7 Minot 0 Scoresheet
11-28-17 Mandan 0 Minot 7 Scoresheet
Fargo South-S 4 W.F. Sheyenne 3 Scoresheet
Grafton-PR 5 Detroit Lakes 3 Scoresheet
11-30-17 Minot 3 Devils Lake 1 Scoresheet
Fargo South-S 1 Fargo Davies 6 Scoresheet
Fargo North 2 G.F. Central 5 Scoresheet
Dickinson 3 Mandan 1 Scoresheet
G.F. Red River 12 W.F. Sheyenne 2


12-01-17 Bismarck Century 7 Detroit Lakes 0 Scoresheet
12-02-17 Jamestown 2 Devils Lake 6 Scoresheet
West Fargo 0 Grafton-PR 4 Scoresheet
Bismarck High 2 Detroit Lakes 1 Scoresheet
12-05-17 Mandan 0 Bismarck High 9 Scoresheet
Grafton-PR 4 Devils Lake 2 Scoresheet
Fargo Davies 6 Fargo North 1 Scoresheet
W.F. Sheyenne 1 G.F. Central 14 Scoresheet
G.F. Red River 11 West Fargo 1 Scoresheet
12-07-17 Minot 0 Bismarck Century 8 Scoresheet
W.F. Sheyenne 3 Devils Lake 5 Scoresheet
Bismarck High 3 Jamestown 2 Scoresheet
12-08-17 Bismarck Century 11 Dickinson 3 Scoresheet
G.F. Central 0 Fargo Davies 0 (SO)


Grafton-PR 3 Fargo North 1 Scoresheet
Williston 1 Mandan 4 Scoresheet
Fargo South-S 1 G.F. Red River 8 Scoresheet
12-09-17 Williston 0 Jamestown 4 Scoresheet
Dickinson 0 Minot 7 Scoresheet
12-12-17 Minot 3 Bismarck High 5 Scoresheet
G.F. Central 3 Fargo South-S 0 Scoresheet
W.F. Sheyenne 4 Grafton-PR 6 Scoresheet
Bismarck Century 11 Mandan 0 Scoresheet
Fargo North 2 G.F. Red River 8 Scoresheet
Devils Lake 2 West Fargo 3 Scoresheet
12-15-17 Devils Lake Bismarck High


Fargo South-S 4 Devils Lake 4 (SO) Scoresheet
Billings 3 Dickinson 5 Scoresheet
Fargo Davies 4 Grafton-PR 2 Scoresheet
Bismarck Century 8 Jamestown 2 Scoresheet
G.F. Central 2 G.F. Red River 2 (SO) Scoresheet
Fargo North 3 West Fargo 2 Scoresheet
12-16-17 Minot 7 Jamestown 2 Scoresheet
Bismarck Century 6 W.F. Sheyenne 2 Scoresheet
Billings 4 Dickinson 3 (OT) Scoresheet
12-19-17 G.F. Red River 3 Fargo Davies 3 (SO) Scoresheet
Devils Lake 3 Fargo North 2 Scoresheet
Grafton-PR 4 Fargo South-S 3 (OT) Scoresheet
West Fargo 5 W.F. Sheyenne 8


12-21-17 G.F. Central 3 Devils Lake 0 Scoresheet
Breckenridge-W 2 Jamestown 10 Scoresheet
Bismarck High 3 Minot 0 Scoresheet
12-22-17 West Fargo 1 Fargo Davies 4 Scoresheet
G.F. Red River 7 Grafton-PR 6 (OT) Scoresheet
12-27-17 West Fargo 2 Detroit Lakes 0 @ FF Scoresheet
W.F. Sheyenne 5 Little Falls 4 @ LF Scoresheet
Rapid City 5 Dickinson 2 Scoresheet
12-28-17 G.F. Central 6 Bismarck Century 5 Scoresheet
G.F. Red River 4 Bismarck High 2 Scoresheet
Rapid City 8 Williston 2 @ Dickinson Scoresheet
Pierre 4 Mandan 5 @ Dickinson Scoresheet
Watertown 3 Dickinson 4 @ Dickinson Scoresheet
West Fargo 1 Fergus Falls 3 @ FF Scoresheet
W.F. Sheyenne 2 North Branch 5 @ LF Scoresheet
12-29-17 G.F. Red River 6 Bismarck Century 0


G.F. Central 3 Bismarck High 2 Scoresheet
West Fargo 4 Park Rapids 2 @ FF Scoresheet
W.F. Sheyenne 5 Willmar 0 @ LF Scoresheet
Pierre 4 Dickinson 7 @ Dickinson Scoresheet
Rapid City 2 Mandan 6 @ Dickinson Scoresheet
Williston 2 Watertown 2 @ Dickinson Scoresheet
12-30-17 Williston 4 Pierre 3 @ Dickinson Scoresheet
Watertown 4 Mandan 3 @ Dickinson Scoresheet
01-02-18 Dickinson 0 Bismarck High 6 Scoresheet
G.F. Red River 3 Devils Lake 2 Scoresheet
01-04-18 Fargo North 5 Fargo South-S 2 Scoresheet
Grafton-PR 0 G.F. Central 9 Scoresheet
Fargo Davies 5 W.F. Sheyenne 1 Scoresheet
01-05-18 Bismarck Century 3 Bismarck High 2 Scoresheet
Devils Lake 0 Fargo Davies 6 Scoresheet
Bottineau-R 3 Jamestown 8 Scoresheet
01-06-18 Jamestown 2 Dickinson 1


Bottineau-R 3 Mandan 3 (SO) Scoresheet
East Grand Forks 0 G.F. Red River 6 Scoresheet
Fargo North 4 W.F. Sheyenne 0 Scoresheet
Fargo South-S 5 West Fargo 1 Scoresheet
01-09-18 West Fargo 0 G.F. Central 8 Scoresheet
Jamestown 8 Mandan 3 Scoresheet
01-11-18 Mandan 0 Dickinson 6 Scoresheet
01-12-18 Devils Lake 0 Bismarck High 8 Scoresheet
G.F. Central 2 Fargo North 1 Scoresheet
Fargo Davies 3 Fargo South-S 2 (OT) Scoresheet
Jamestown 1 Minot 5 Scoresheet
W.F. Sheyenne 2 G.F. Red River 8


Grafton-PR 9 West Fargo 2 Scoresheet
01-13-18 Devils Lake 3 Mandan 1 Scoresheet
Fargo Davies 4 Minot 1 Scoresheet
01-16-18 Devils Lake 5 Grafton-PR 4 (OT) Scoresheet
Dickinson 5 Jamestown 3 Scoresheet
Bismarck High 6 Mandan 0 Scoresheet
Bismarck Century 5 Minot 1 Scoresheet
G.F. Central 5 W.F. Sheyenne 0 Scoresheet
01-18-18 G.F. Red River 5 Fargo South-S 2 Scoresheet
Fargo North 3 Grafton-PR 2 Scoresheet
Fargo Davies 2 G.F. Central 4 Scoresheet
Bismarck High 6 Minot 0


01-19-18 Devils Lake 2 W.F. Sheyenne 4 Scoresheet
Mandan 1 Bismarck Century 12 Scoresheet
01-20-18 Bottineau-R 1 Dickinson 7 Scoresheet
Fargo North 2 Fargo Davies 4 Scoresheet
W.F. Sheyenne 2 Fargo South-S 2 (SO) Scoresheet
West Fargo 1 G.F. Red River 5 Scoresheet
01-23-18 Dickinson 1 Bismarck Century 7 Scoresheet
West Fargo 0 Devils Lake 6 Scoresheet
G.F. Red River 4 Fargo North 1 Scoresheet
Fargo South-S 1 G.F. Central 6 Scoresheet
Detroit Lakes 2 Jamestown 5 Scoresheet
Grafton-PR 2 W.F. Sheyenne 6 Scoresheet
01-25-18 West Fargo 3 Fargo North 5


East Grand Forks 0 G.F. Central 4 Scoresheet
W.F. Sheyenne 7 Jamestown 4 Scoresheet
Minot 6 Mandan 2 Scoresheet
01-26-18 Williston 0 Bismarck Century 12 Scoresheet
Bottineau-R 1 Bismarck High 7 Scoresheet
Pierre 6 Dickinson 2 Scoresheet
Grafton-PR 0 Fargo Davies 2 Scoresheet
Devils Lake 4 Fargo South-S 2 Scoresheet
01-27-18 Williston 0 Bismarck High 4 Scoresheet
G.F. Red River 1 G.F. Central 2 (OT) Scoresheet
Pierre 4 Mandan 5 (OT) Scoresheet
Fargo Davies 4 West Fargo 1


01-30-18 Fargo North 1 Devils Lake 2 Scoresheet
Bismarck High 6 Dickinson 1 Scoresheet
Fargo South-S 5 Grafton-PR 2 Scoresheet
Fargo Davies 0 G.F. Red River 5 Scoresheet
W.F. Sheyenne 4 West Fargo 2 Scoresheet
02-01-18 Jamestown 1 Bismarck Century 8 Scoresheet
02-02-18 Bismarck High 1 Fargo Davies 4 Scoresheet
Bismarck Century 1 Fargo South-S 2 Scoresheet
Devils Lake 1 G.F. Central 5 Scoresheet
02-03-18 Minot 10 Dickinson 3 Scoresheet
Bismarck Century 3 Fargo Davies 7 Scoresheet
Bismarck High 1 Fargo South-S 4


Grafton-PR 0 G.F. Red River 7 Scoresheet
02-05-18 Warroad 1 G.F. Red River 5 Scoresheet
02-06-18 Bismarck High 2 Bismarck Century 5 Scoresheet
Fargo Davies 4 Devils Lake 2 Scoresheet
W.F. Sheyenne 1 Fargo North 5 Scoresheet
West Fargo 1 Fargo South-S 3 Scoresheet
G.F. Central 6 Grafton-PR 1 Scoresheet
Mandan 0 Jamestown 6 Scoresheet
Williston 3 Minot 10 Scoresheet
02-08-18 Jamestown 0 Bismarck High 2 Scoresheet
W.F. Sheyenne 1 Fargo Davies 6 Scoresheet
Fargo South-S 2 Fargo North 2 (SO) Scoresheet
Bottineau-R 0 Minot 8 Scoresheet
Devils Lake 0 G.F. Red River 4 Scoresheet
G.F. Central 5 West Fargo 2 Scoresheet
02-10-18 Hazen-B 0 Mandan 6 Scoresheet
West Fargo 1 W.F. Sheyenne 5 (ER)


02-13-18 W.F. Sheyenne 1 G.F. Central 7 (ER)


Fargo South-S 0 G.F. Red River 7 (ER) Scoresheet
Devils Lake 2 Fargo North 6 (ER) Scoresheet
Grafton-PR 2 Fargo Davies 7 (ER) Scoresheet
02-15-18 Williston 1 Bismarck Century 15 (WR)


Jamestown 4 Dickinson 3 (WR) Scoresheet
Mandan 0 Bismarck High 5 (WR) Scoresheet
Bottineau-R 0 Minot 10 (WR) Scoresheet
02-16-18 Williston 1  Dickinson 4 (WR)


Jamestown 1 Bismarck Century 8 (WR) Scoresheet
Minot 1 Bismarck High 4 (WR) Scoresheet
Mandan 2 Bottineau-R 3 (WR) Scoresheet
W.F. Sheyenne 3 Devils Lake 5 (ER)


Fargo South-S 0 Grafton-PR 3 (ER) Scoresheet
Fargo North 0 G.F. Central 3 (ER) Scoresheet
Fargo Davies 2 G.F. Red River 1 (ER) Scoresheet
02-17-18 Bottineau-R 2 Jamestown 4 (WR) Scoresheet
Grafton-PR 4 Fargo North 2 (ER) Scoresheet
Dickinson 6 Minot 1 (WR) Scoresheet
Devils Lake 0 G.F. Red River 4 (ER)


Bismarck High 2 Bismarck Century 4 (WR) Scoresheet
Fargo Davies 0 G.F. Central 1 (ER) Scoresheet
02-22-18 Grafton-PR 1 Bismarck Century 6 (State) Scoresheet
Jamestown 0 Fargo Davies 8 (State)


Dickinson 0  G.F. Central 7 (State) Scoresheet
G.F. Red River 4 Bismarck High 2 (State) Scoresheet
02-23-18 Jamestown 4 Grafton-PR 2 (State) Scoresheet
Fargo Davies 2 Bismarck Century 6 (State) Scoresheet
G.F. Red River 0 G.F. Central 7 (State) Scoresheet
Dickinson 1 Bismarck High 4 (State)


02-24-18 Jamestown 1 Bismarck High 3 (State) Scoresheet
G.F. Red River 3 Fargo Davies 1 (State) Scoresheet
Bismarck Century 2 G.F. Central 4 (State) Scoresheet
2018 ND East Region
2018 ND West Region
2018 ND State Tournament
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* Scoreboard is available for all current RinkWriter License holders.

Some scoresheets have been uploaded  by the rink-side scorekeepers.  Thank You.